The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Part Numbers - AHH5081
Rebound Strap
for all MGA Rear Axle

PART NO.  SPL.PAGE  DESCRIPTION                                                           
AHH5081   15.H.5    Rebound strap (2) (rear axle) -(rear spring, 1500)
AHH5081   16.H.10   Rebound strap (2) -(rear spring, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
AHH5081   TC.H.5    Rebound strap (2) -(rear spring, Twin Cam)

Original MGA rear axle rebound straps were, in early production, manufactured as thick woven cotton web straps Rear axle rebound strap wrapped in multiple layers and firmly stitched together, 1-1/4 inches wide and 8-5/8 inches center to center. These had very good strength and did not stretch under load. However, they did tend to rot and fail after a few years (or longer), depending on humidity and moisture (climate conditions). Then the design was changed to add a molded rubber covering for environmental protection, continuing with the same part number. this means the new part superseded the old part so the new part should always be supplied for replacement (after original style parts were out of inventory). This continued at least through the late 1970's.

Unfortunately, in more recent years we have seen a rash of faulty replacement parts made in various forms with insufficient strength, too little or even no fiber material inside, with or without some rubber covering, and sometimes rubber only with nothing else inside. Any parts with rubber covering are now highly suspect, as they may not be identified as bad until after being installed. These may later break or stretch dramatically (absolutely useless parts). When these parts fail it WILL be a serious safety hazard causing adverse handling character, possible sudden transition to oversteer during a turn (especially while decelerating). It may also result in damage to other suspension parts, like rear shock absorber broken internally and/or broken rear shock absorber links. Let the buyer beware.

Find much more information about these parts, good and bad, here:
FT-023 Bad, BAD REBOUND STRAPS and rear leaf springs

RS-110 REBOUND STRAPS, Form Follows Function
RS-111 REBOUND STRAPS, Length And Suspension Travel
RS-112 REBOUND STRAPS, Length Of New Ones
RS-113 REBOUND STRAPS, Custom Made Replacements
RS-114 REBOUND STRAPS, Good Replacements
RS-115 REBOUND STRAPS, Home Made Replacements
RS-116 REBOUND STRAPS, Home Made Replacements #2
RS-116A REBOUND STRAPS, Home Made Replacements #3

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